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发表于 2012-5-10 05:06:06 | 显示全部楼层


[世华财讯]深赤湾a(000022)关于2011年6月业务量数据的公告        股票简称:深赤湾a/深赤湾b股票代码:000022/200022公告编号2011-024深圳赤湾港航股份有限公司关于2011年6月业务量数据的公告本公司及董事、监事和高级管理人员保证自愿性信息披露的内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。 [世华财讯]深赤湾a(000022)关于2011年6月业务量数据的公告
股票简称:深赤湾 a/深赤湾 b 股票代码:000022/200022 公告编号 2011-024
关于 2011 年 6 月业务量数据的公告
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少 1.1%;散杂货吞吐量完成 81.1 万吨,比去年同期增加 12.8%。
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发表于 2012-5-10 06:38:21 | 显示全部楼层


  国家防总副总指挥、水利部部长陈雷表示,立春后,冬小麦陆续进入返青期,dolce gabbana,田间蒸发加快,作物需水明显增加。目前受旱的1.1亿亩冬小麦中,有2000多万亩无灌溉条件,若持续无有效降雨,冬麦区旱情可能迅速发展,抗旱形势严峻。

  2月9日中午,中国气象局局长郑国光主持召开专题会议,ralph lauran,要求全力做好人工增雨(雪)作业的各项准备工作,lunettes ray ban。加强作业条件预报会商分析,强化区域协作和联动指导,抓住一切有利时机开展跨区域飞机与地面立体化人工增雨(雪)作业。

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  孙军介绍说,ralph lauran pas cher,目前,我国黄淮、华北部分地区干旱较为严重,部分地区气象干旱等级已达到重旱或特旱。
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发表于 2012-5-10 14:09:47 | 显示全部楼层


  崔殿国:crh380bl型动车组在京沪高铁出现的问题是我们不愿看到的,但是既然发生了,我们就要正视问题,air jordan,面对问题和解决问题。在此后的工作中,无论是研发设计、还是制造调试和售后服务环节,我们将努力做好。
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  8月10日召开的国务院常务会议,决定开展高速铁路及其在建项目安全大检查,burberry。我们决定积极响应国务院常务会议精神,结合正在开展的铁路安全大检查,在与铁道部汇报沟通的基础上,主动请求召回在京沪高铁运营的动车组,以对故障原因系统分析,全面整改,确保源头质量和安全运营,casque beats。

  崔殿国:中国北车是负责任的中央企业,burberry soldes,铁路移动装备对人民的生命财产安全、对铁路部门的安全运营至关重要。我们还负有国有资产保值增值和企业持续健康发展的责任。做出召回的决定,是艰难的抉择。在此,我再次向广大旅客和铁路运输部门致以深深的歉意。

  崔殿国:我们将根据铁路运营部门的统一安排,从8月16日开始逐步召回在线运营的54组crh380bl型动车组,louboutin。我们的研发专家、技术人员以及国内外供应商有关专家正在加紧对故障问题进行系统分析, christianlouboutineenligne ,对有的问题已经有了比较清晰的认识,相关工作已经有条不紊地进行,franklin marshall,我们有信心在比较短的时间内完成整改,早日为旅客提供更加安全、可靠、舒适的动车组产品。

  新华社北京8月12日电(记者齐中熙)中国北车集团8月11日宣布,主动请求召回其在京沪高铁运营的crh380bl型动车组,“召回”虽然是国际通行的惯例,但在国内尤其是大型装备制造业中还较为少见,abercrombie france。新华社记者就此采访了中国北车董事长崔殿国,进一步了解中国北车的召回原因和下一步的整改措施。
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发表于 2012-5-11 08:50:17 | 显示全部楼层


俄新社援引俄远东阿穆尔州乌克兰卡空军基地副指挥官弗罗洛夫的话报道说,abercrombie,这架部署在该空军基地的图-95mc战略轰炸机在外贝加尔边疆区进行战术飞行训练时,air jordan,连续发射两枚巡航导弹,jordan,发射间隔50秒,louboutin pas cher。他表示,burberry,导弹的飞行距离都达到了约1500公里,franklin marshall。
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发表于 2012-5-11 17:42:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-5-13 09:31:36 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-5-14 14:59:46 | 显示全部楼层


  临床用血安全引关注, christianlouboutineenligne ,广州引入核酸检测
  新快报讯记者 李斯璐报道
  2004年《广州市献血管理规定》(下称《规定》)运作至今已有8年,近日广州组织立法后评估工作专家小组对《规定》开展评估座谈会,新快报记者昨日从有关渠道获悉,air jordan,座谈会上其中一个热点话题为临床用血安全,专家建议应为用血者建立用血保障机制,louboutin pas cher。广州血液中心主任付涌水说,从去年起广州已增加了核酸检测环节,可以缩短病毒潜伏的“窗口期”,还可以检出因病毒变异、免疫沉默性感染等漏检的血液。
  “自去年核酸检测投入使用以来,一直困扰人们的病毒窗口期多了一个有效的‘拦截’手段,louboutin。”付涌水告诉记者,目前广州血液中心采用的核酸检测技术已跟国际接轨,franklin marshall,除了可以缩短病毒潜伏的“窗口期”之外,还可以检出因病毒变异、免疫沉默性感染等漏检的血液,ray ban,使临床用血的质量更有保障。
  原来采用进口试剂,乙肝病毒要在人感染后45天才能检测出来,丙肝病毒需要72天,艾滋病毒需要22天,air jordan。如今使用了核酸检测技术,abercrombie,可以缩短“窗口期”检测时间,其中乙肝病毒可以提高到30天,丙肝病毒可以提高到12天,艾滋病毒可以提高到8-11天,casque beats。

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发表于 2012-5-14 15:25:52 | 显示全部楼层


  钳工陈海波将火车票都保存起来,说以后要把票给自己的孩子看。新快报记者 毕志毅/摄
  新快报讯 记者 李佳文 邢冉冉 报道 重拨、重拨再重拨……菲宜汽车配件厂的钳工陈海波,近十天来被老板安排专门负责给厂里的同事打电话订火车票。他说,louboutin pas cher,每天打的电话多到数不清,往往是一人对着电话不断地重拨。他也因此成了名副其实的“订票哥”。
  “订票哥”陈海波是湖南长沙人,2000年到广州打工,jordan。为省钱养家,他回家的频率是每年一次,留给两岁女儿的时间也格外少。他因此深刻体会到在外漂泊的游子心情,对于每个同事帮买火车票的委托,都看得很重,ray ban。“没在外漂过的人,是体会不到那种春节回家的渴望!”讲到这里,陈海波有些激动。
  由于做了好几年的“订票哥”,陈海波已总结出一套自己的经验:每天早上8点到9点是电话最难打的时候,air jordan,一般过了9点即便打得通,但车票也剩不多,基本是打通也订不到票了。“所以,8点到9点时段一定要抓紧,franklin marshall,手脚并用不停地打,重拨200多次打到耳鸣。”陈海波说,实名制后,casque beats,打通电话、选了车次后还要输入身份证号码,但由于按的次数重复多次,他已很少出现输入错误。
  闲聊中,记者发现由于回家不易,陈海波十分看重每年的春运。在他日常使用的书本《模具制造工艺装备及使用》里,一张去年2月22日从长沙回广州的车票引起了记者的注意。陈海波说,他自打工以来,每次回家、离家的春运火车票,air jordan,他都好好保存着。就像这张2010年回广州的车票, christianlouboutineenligne ,他今年过年会带回老家放在收藏本里。


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发表于 2012-5-15 23:08:47 | 显示全部楼层

100 kilometers to the north of Goma

heavy fighting continued wednesday between the national congress for people's defense, a rebel group led by former congolese general laurent nkunda, and congolese government forces.
residents of the provincial capital goma were fleeing the city amid fears of the rebel advance,michael kors outlet, even as tens of thousands of displaced persons headed towards the city after earlier fighting to the north. the associated press news agency reported that the rebels had reached the kibati refugee camp, five kilometers outside goma. and the afp has reported that the congolese military has abandoned goma.
fighting also continued around the town of kibumba, 30 kilometers north of goma,puma, near the border with rwanda. congolese officials have accused rwandan troops and tanks of
backing nkunda's offensive. rwanda has denied involvement, but has accused congolese troops of firing across the border.
angola's state media has reported that the congolese government has asked for assistance, raising fears that the fighting could draw in other countries in the region.
angola,lunettes ray ban, rwanda and other states were active in the 1998 to 2003 civil war in drc that killed over five million people, and which has been called africa's world war.
the u.n. refugee agency reported tuesday that some 30,000 civilians were arriving at camps around goma. but as the rebel advance continues they may join residents of the town,supra shoes, who have begun leaving towards bukavu to the south, or east into rwanda.
oxfam's policy and advocacy coordinator for congo, ellie kemp,michael kors, told voa from kinshasa, that there are also reports of civilians fleeing the town of rutshuru, 100 kilometers to the north of goma,ray ban, near the border with uganda, after rebels took the town on tuesday.
"there is little provision in those areas simply because humanitarian access has been made near-impossible and in many cases impossible by the insecurity," said kemp. "that's why it's
so important that the warring parties lay down their weapons and come back to the political process."
thousands of civilians displaced by earlier clashes had been staying in the town,abercrombie and fitch, as well as some 50 international humanitarian workers. united nations peacekeepers attempted to evacuate the aid workers, but their convoy was blocked by civilians and government troops, according to a u.n. spokesman.
the u.n. peacekeeping mission, known by the french acronym monuc, has been backing government forces in countering the rebels. un helicopters have fired on rebel positions,air jordan, and officials have pledged to defend goma. but the u.n.'s top official in the country, alan doss, told the u.n. security council on tuesday that the mission was stretched thin,casque beats, and appealed for more troops. congo's president laurent kabila also asked for additional international forces.
with 17,000 troops, the mission is the u.n.'s largest in the world, but only about 6,000 are currently in the area around goma. the peacekeepers have often taken an active
role in response to fighting. in december, they helped repel another offensive by nkunda's troops on goma. but their presence has also stirred discontent. in recent
days, demonstrators have thrown rocks at un offices and vehicles in goma.
nkunda says he is protecting eastern congo's tutsi minority ethnic group from attacks by the fdlr, a rwandan hutu rebel group, many of whose members participated in
that country's 1994 genocide, and which nkunda says has received support from congo's military.
nkunda signed a peace deal with the government in january. but fighting broke out again in august, with some 250,chaussures puma,000 people displaced so far. that comes on top of an
estimated 800,000 already displaced from earlier fighting in the region.
on wednesday, u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon called for an end to the fighting, and said he had sent senior aides to negotiate with the warring parties. the eu's top
foreign policy official, javier solana called on both sides to exercise restraint. the top u.s. diplomat for africa, jendayi frazer, who was attending a regional meeting on
somalia in nairobi on wednesday, is expected in congo on thursday
rebels in eastern democratic republic of congo continued an advance on the regional capital of goma, after taking control of the town of rutshuru to the north. as derek kilner reports from voa's east africa bureau in nairobi, the clashes have displaced tens of thousands of civilians, many of them heading to camps around goma.

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发表于 2012-5-16 11:42:59 | 显示全部楼层
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